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Stories That Inspire


A Food Lover’s Guide in Bengaluru

"There’s so much to explore and eat, there are so many flavours, cuisines, signature dishes, drinks and eateries to check out in our ‘Garden city’. Eating out in Bengaluru is not just about going to the trendiest."

APR 11


The Psychology of Menu Design

"Menu designing is done through scientific research and extensive study, using elements like placement, colour psychology, enticing language, cost control and more."

APR 11


Farm to Table : How Local Produce is changing

"Farm-to-table dining is changing the way we experience food, with a focus on locally sourced produce that’s changing the dining scene for the better."

APR 13


Global Flavours, Local Plates

"Combining elements from different culinary traditions, fusion cuisine offers a tempting journey for adventurous palates and menus."

APR 21


No Reservation Required: The Rise of PopUp

"Yes traditional dining experience is OG and everything, will always be a classic but this element of unpredictability adds excitement and exclusivity."

May 3

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